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The purpose of this study was to determine whether the vocabulary recognition of children with hearing impairments could be increased using interactive media designed with an articulate storyline. The introduction of the child's vocabulary focuses on the vocabulary of the limbs, because based on the results of the assessment that has been carried out the child has not been able to recognize the vocabulary of the limbs.This type of quantitative research is an experiment using single subject research (SSR) design A-B-A, this study takes the subject of children with hearing disabilities in grade III who do not know vocabulary. Collecting data in the study using tests and analyzing data with graphic visual analysis. The research was carried out for 16 meetings, where there were 3 A-B-A conditions, the first baseline condition occurred 4 times with 15% data acquisition in each meeting.The intervention condition occurred 8 times where each meeting while in the second baseline condition there were 4 meetings with a percentage of 85%. ,85%,90%,90%. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, it is found that interactive media based on articulate storylines can improve vocabulary recognition for children with hearing disabilities
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